kostenloser Webspace werbefrei: lima-city

Wo liegt der Fehler ??

lima-cityForumProgrammiersprachenPHP, MySQL & .htaccess

  1. Autor dieses Themas


    strat-clan2003 hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    Ich hab ein Problem ich will ein CMS installieren und da kommt in der install.php folgender Fehler:

    Warning: ini_set() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/webpages/lima-city/strat-clan2003/gocms/install.php on line 37

    hier der Inhalt der Datei:

    // //
    // ----------------------------------- //
    // GooCMS - GooContentManagementSystem //
    // ----------------------------------- //
    // by The Domain Group Network //
    // http://www.tdgn.com/goo //
    // //
    // Copyright ? Chris Tonks, 2002-2003 //
    // //
    // > Version: 1.02 //
    // > Module name: install.php //
    // > Module description: GooCMS installer/updater script //
    // > Last modified: 11/9/2003 //
    // //
    // GooCMS is released under the GNU General Public License. Use of this software //
    // means you accept the terms and conditions of this license. Please see //
    // license.txt in this distribution for a copy of the GPL. //

    // Making sure all variables work

    function doslashes ($val) {
    // Adds slashes to a string or each element of an array
    if (is_array($val)) {
    foreach($val as $key=>$value) {
    $val[$key] = doslashes($value);
    } else {
    $val = addslashes($val);
    return $val;
    // Disables magic quotes on runtime - uses two methods, and if they both fail outputs an error
    ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0 );
    if (get_magic_quotes_runtime() == 1) exit('GooCMS will not run with magic_quotes_runtime turned on, and all attempts to disable it have failed. You must do this manually somehow.');
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0) {
    // Adds slashes to all important incoming variables if it's not done automatically
    $HTTP_GET_VARS = doslashes($HTTP_GET_VARS);
    $HTTP_POST_VARS = doslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS);
    if (is_array($HTTP_GET_VARS)) extract($HTTP_GET_VARS, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, "get_");
    if (is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS)) extract($HTTP_POST_VARS, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, "post_");
    if (is_array($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS)) extract($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, "cookie_");
    if (is_array($HTTP_POST_FILES)) extract($HTTP_POST_FILES, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, "files_");

    // Preparing the time

    $fitime = gmdate('j/n/Y, H:i', time()).' GMT';

    switch ($type) {

    // Updating from 1.0

    case '100':
    switch ($stage) {

    // The license

    case '1':
    $stage = 1;
    $path = realpath('.').'/license.txt';
    if ($fp = @fopen($path, 'r')) {
    $content = htmlspecialchars(fread($fp, filesize($path)));
    $content = '<p><textarea name="content" rows="15" style="width: 100%" cols="50" readonly>'.$content.'</textarea></p>
    <p>Please read the license above. GooCMS is distributed under it, and by using the program you agree to its terms &amp; conditions.
    If you don\'t agree to them, please leave this installer now and delete GooCMS from your system.</p>';
    } else {
    $content = '<p>Please read the license file \'license.txt\' that came with this distribution. GooCMS is distributed under it, and by using
    program you agree to its terms &amp; conditions. If you don\'t agree to them, please leave this installer now and delete GooCMS
    from your system.</p>';
    $fititle = 'Step 1';
    $fisubtitle = 'The License';
    $ficontent = $content.'
    <p>When you are ready to continue, please click Next.</p>
    <p align="center"><input type="button" name="back" value="&lt; Back" onClick="javacript: history.back();"> <input type="submit" name="next" value="Next &gt;" onClick="javacript: location.href=\'install.php?type=100&stage=2\';"></p>';

    // The main updating

    case '2':
    $stage = 2;
    if (is_array($settings)) extract($settings, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    $db = new dbase;
    $db->connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbpersist);
    $fititle = 'Step 2';
    $fisubtitle = 'Database Set-up';
    $results = 'Settings: removing old default page...';
    $db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$tpre}settings` DROP `defpage`");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Settings: adding PHP evaluation option...';
    $db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$tpre}settings` ADD `dophp` VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL AFTER `showsmileys`");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Sections: adding default page...';
    $db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$tpre}sections` ADD `defpage` INT NOT NULL");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Pages: removing page types...';
    $db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$tpre}pages` DROP `type`");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Programmed Pages: removing page types...';
    $db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$tpre}propages` DROP `type`");
    $results .= ' done.';
    $ficontent = '<p>The database tables will now be updated.</p>
    <p>All done! Assuming there are no irregularities in the above list of actions taken, GooCMS has been successfully updated on your system. Now, please delete this script (install.php) from the system, as you will not be able to run the program if this is still here.<br>
    Don\'t forget to upload the new files (<strong>except</strong> config.php), if you haven\'t already done so.<br>
    Please consult any notes provided with this distribution, as they will probably contain important information regarding known issues and limitations.</p>
    <p>Welcome to GooCMS! The Domain Group Network hopes you\'ll have a great time using this product. Don\'t forget to pop by the support forums if you need help.</p>';

    // The update screen

    $stage = 0;
    $fititle = 'GooCMS';
    $fisubtitle = 'Update from GooCMS 1.0';
    $ficontent = '<p>This script will now guide you through the process of updating your GooCMS 1.0 installation to the newer GooCMS 1.02. You will need to upload all the files in this
    distribution, overwriting the old ones from version 1.0. Do <strong>not</strong> overwrite config.php.</p>
    <p>To commence the updating of GooCMS, please click Next.</p>
    <p align="center"><input type="submit" name="next" value="Next &gt;" onClick="javacript: location.href=\'install.php?type=100&stage=1\';"></p>';

    // Dealing with the progress chart

    $progress = '&middot; Installation<br><br>
    &gt; Upgrade from 1.0<br>
    &nbsp;'.($stage == 0 ? '&gt;' : '&middot;').' Welcome<br>
    &nbsp;'.($stage == 1 ? '&gt;' : '&middot;').' License<br>
    &nbsp;'.($stage == 2 ? '&gt;' : '&middot;').' Database Set-up';

    // Installing anew

    switch ($stage) {

    // The license

    case '1':
    $stage = 1;
    $path = realpath('.').'/license.txt';
    if ($fp = @fopen($path, 'r')) {
    $content = htmlspecialchars(fread($fp, filesize($path)));
    $content = '<p><textarea name="content" rows="15" style="width: 100%" cols="50" readonly>'.$content.'</textarea></p>
    <p>Please read the license above. GooCMS is distributed under it, and by using the program you agree to its terms &amp; conditions.
    If you don\'t agree to them, please leave this installer now and delete GooCMS from your system.</p>';
    } else {
    $content = '<p>Please read the license file \'license.txt\' that came with this distribution. GooCMS is distributed under it, and by using
    program you agree to its terms &amp; conditions. If you don\'t agree to them, please leave this installer now and delete GooCMS
    from your system.</p>';
    $fititle = 'Step 1';
    $fisubtitle = 'The License';
    $ficontent = $content.'
    <p>When you are ready to continue, please click Next.</p>
    <p align="center"><input type="button" name="back" value="&lt; Back" onClick="javacript: history.back();"> <input type="submit" name="next" value="Next &gt;" onClick="javacript: location.href=\'install.php?stage=2\';"></p>';

    // Configuration file

    case '2':
    $stage = 2;
    if (file_exists('./config.php')) {
    $dbpass = '';
    if (is_array($settings)) extract($settings, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, "settings_");
    $fititle = 'Step 2';
    $fisubtitle = 'Basic Configuration';
    $ficontent = '<form name="configform" method="post" action="install.php?stage=3">
    <p>Please fill in the form below. These details are necessary to access the database and allow users to log in.</p>
    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#000000" align="center">
    <tr><td class="cheader" colspan="2">Database Details</td></tr>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Database name:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" name="dbname" value="'.$dbname.'"></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Username:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" name="dbuser" value="'.$dbuser.'"></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Password:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="password" size="20" maxlength="200" name="dbpass"></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Host:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" name="dbhost" value="'.$dbhost.'"><br><cite>usually \'localhost\'</cite></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Type:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><select name="dbtype"><option value="mysql" selected>MySQL</option></select><br><cite>only option at present</cite></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Use persistant connections:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="dbpersist"'.(($dbpersist == '1') ? ' checked' : '').'> Yes</td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Table prefix:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" name="tpre" value="'.$tpre.'"></td>
    <tr><td class="cheader" colspan="2">Cookie Details</td></tr>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Cookie domain:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" name="domain" value="'.$domain.'"></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Cookie prefix:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" name="cpre" value="'.$cpre.'"></td>
    <p>To continue, click Next.</p>
    <p align="center"><input type="button" name="back" value="&lt; Back" onClick="javacript: history.back();"> <input type="submit" name="configformdone" value="Next &gt;"></p>

    // System analysis

    case '3':
    $stage = 3;
    if ($configformdone) {
    // Only wites to config.php if the form was just sent
    if ($dbpersist != '1') $dbpersist = '0';
    // Generating the config.php file
    $thefile = '<'.'?php
    // //
    // ----------------------------------- //
    // GooCMS - GooContentManagementSystem //
    // ----------------------------------- //
    // by The Domain Group Network //
    // http://www.tdgn.com/goo //
    // //
    // Copyright ? Chris Tonks, 2002-2003 //
    // //
    // > Version: 1.02 //
    // > Module name: config.php //
    // > Module description: Configuration file //
    // > Last modified: 12/11/2002 //
    // //
    // GooCMS is released under the GNU General Public License. Use of this software //
    // means you accept the terms and conditions of this license. Please see //
    // license.txt in this distribution for a copy of the GPL. //

    // Name of database
    $settings[\'dbname\'] = \''.$dbname.'\';

    // Username for accessing database
    $settings[\'dbuser\'] = \''.$dbuser.'\';

    // Password for accessing database
    $settings[\'dbpass\'] = \''.$dbpass.'\';

    // Database host (usually localhost)
    $settings[\'dbhost\'] = \''.$dbhost.'\';

    // Table prefix. DO NOT change this after installation!
    $settings[\'tpre\'] = \''.$tpre.'\';

    // Database type. Do not change this, please
    $settings[\'dbtype\'] = \'mysql\';

    // Persistant connections. 0 = No, 1 = Yes.
    $settings[\'dbpersist\'] = '.$dbpersist.';

    // Domain name. Must include preceeding \'http://\'
    $settings[\'domain\'] = \''.$domain.'\';

    // Cookie prefix, if more than one copy of GooCMS is installed
    $settings[\'cpre\'] = \''.$cpre.'\';
    $newpath = realpath('.').'/config.php';
    if (!file_exists('./config.php')) {
    $tempfile = tempnam('/tmp','goocms');
    copy($tempfile, $newpath);
    if ($fp = @fopen($newpath, 'w')) {
    $errmsg = '';
    @fwrite($fp, $thefile);
    } else {
    $errmsg = '<p align="center" style="color: #FF0000">The config.php file could not be written to. Please edit it by hand and upload it. The database could not be accessed (an error message should appear below), then refresh this page to make sure the new details work.</p>';
    if (is_array($settings)) extract($settings, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    if (mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)) {
    $sqlerrmsg = '';
    } else {
    $sqlerrmsg = '<p align="center" style="color: #FF0000">The database could not be accessed. You\'ve probably got the wrong settings. If there is an error message above this one, deal with that first.</p>';
    $yellow = false;
    $red = false;
    // Gets operating system details
    $os = php_uname();
    if (stristr($os, 'Linux')) {
    $osmsg = 'Ah, Linux. This will do nicely.';
    $oscolour = 'ok';
    } elseif (stristr($os, 'Windows')) {
    $osmsg = 'Running GooCMS on Windows will seriously impair its performance. The file manager won\'t work, and neither will automatic back-ups. Probably.';
    $oscolour = 'unreasonable';
    $yellow = true;
    } else {
    $osmsg = 'GooCMS has only been tested on Linux, so be warned: it may not work too well on other systems.';
    $oscolour = 'alert';
    $red = true;
    // Gets server details
    $serversoft = $SERVER_SOFTWARE;
    if (stristr($serversoft, 'Apache')) {
    $servermsg = 'Apache - the expert\'s choice!';
    $servercolour = 'ok';
    } else {
    $servermsg = 'H\'mm... Not good. You need Apache, realy, as it\'s the only software GooCMS has been tested on. And the only server software TDGN trusts.';
    $servercolour = 'alert';
    // Gets PHP details
    $phpver = phpversion();
    if ($phpver > '4.0.5' && function_exists('xml_parse')) {
    $phpmsg = 'Everything good at this end.';
    $phpcolour = 'ok';
    } elseif ($phpver > '4.0.5') {
    $phpmsg = 'The right version, but RSS parsing won\'t work.';
    $phpcolour = 'unreasonable';
    $yellow = true;
    } else {
    $phpmsg = 'Oh no, this won\'t do at all! You\'ll have to upgrade to version 4.0.5 at least.';
    $phpcolour= 'alert';
    $red = true;
    // Gets MySQL details
    $mysqlver = substr(mysql_get_server_info(), 0, 4);
    if ($mysqlver > 3.22) {
    $mysqlmsg = 'You\'re going for gold with this version!';
    $mysqlcolour = 'ok';
    } elseif ($mysqlver > 3.00) {
    $mysqlmsg = 'Yeah, this\'ll do, but you probably won\'t be able to make back-ups using GooCMS.';
    $mysqlcolour = 'unreasonable';
    $yellow = true;
    } else {
    $mysqlmsg = 'Nope. No way. You\'re going to have to upgrade to version 3.23 at least, realistically.';
    $mysqlcolour = 'alert';
    $red = true;
    // Makes an overall verdict
    if ($red) {
    $msg = 'It should not be considered advisable to install GooCMS on this system. Please review the comments above and act on them.';
    $colour = '#CC0000';
    } elseif ($yellow) {
    $msg = 'It should be fine to install GooCMS, but some features might not work. Please review the comments above for details.';
    $colour = '#FF6600';
    } else {
    $msg = 'These are perfect conditions for GooCMS to be installed under.';
    $colour = '#009900';
    // Prepares everything else
    $fititle = 'Step 3';
    $fisubtitle = 'Server &amp; Software Analysis';
    $ficontent = $errmsg.$sqlerrmsg.'<p>Below you will find a summary of the software your server is running, along with comments as to how well GooCMS will run on it.</p>
    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#000000" align="center">
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Server OS</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><p><strong>'.$os.'</strong><br>'.$osmsg.'</p></td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle" align="center"><img width="10" height="10" src="admin/base/unauth_'.$oscolour.'.gif"></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Server Software</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><p><strong>'.$serversoft.'</strong><br>'.$servermsg.'</p></td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle" align="center"><img width="10" height="10" src="admin/base/unauth_'.$servercolour.'.gif"></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">PHP Version</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><p><strong>'.$phpver.'</strong><br>'.$phpmsg.'</p></td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle" align="center"><img width="10" height="10" src="admin/base/unauth_'.$phpcolour.'.gif"></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">MySQL version</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><p><strong>'.$mysqlver.'</strong><br>'.$mysqlmsg.'</p></td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle" align="center"><img width="10" height="10" src="admin/base/unauth_'.$mysqlcolour.'.gif"></td>
    <p><strong>Verdict:</strong> <span style="color: '.$colour.'">'.$msg.'</span></p>
    <p>To continue, press Next.</p>
    <p align="center"><input type="button" name="back" value="&lt; Back" onClick="javacript: history.back();"> <input type="submit" name="next" value="Next &gt;" onClick="javacript: location.href=\'install.php?stage=4\';"></p>';

    // Advanced configuration

    case '4':
    $stage = 4;
    $fititle = 'Step 4';
    $fisubtitle = 'Advanced Configuration';
    $ficontent = '<form name="configform" method="post" action="install.php?stage=5">
    <p>Fill in the form with the site\'s basic details, as well as your desired username and password, which will be used to access the site. You can change these details later, of course.<br><strong>Note:</strong> Any tags (valid HTML or not) will be removed from whatever you enter here.</p>
    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#000000" align="center">
    <tr><td class="cheader" colspan="2">Your Details</td></tr>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Username:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="text" size="20" maxlength="50" name="username"></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Password:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="password" size="20" maxlength="20" name="password"></td>
    <tr><td class="cheader" colspan="2">Site Details</td></tr>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Name:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="text" size="20" maxlength="50" name="sitename"></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">URL:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" name="siteurl"></td>
    <td class="csub" valign="middle">Admin e-mail:</td>
    <td class="cell" valign="middle"><input type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" name="adminemail"></td>
    <p>To continue, click Next.</p>
    <p align="center"><input type="button" name="back" value="&lt; Back" onClick="javacript: history.back();"> <input type="submit" name="next" value="Next &gt;"></p>

    // Main installation

    case '5':
    $stage = 5;
    $username = trim(strip_tags($username));
    $sitename = trim(strip_tags($sitename));
    $siteurl = trim(strip_tags($siteurl));
    $adminemail = trim(strip_tags($adminemail));
    if (is_array($settings)) extract($settings, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    $db = new dbase;
    $db->connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbpersist);
    $fititle = 'Step 5';
    $fisubtitle = 'Database Set-up';
    if ($username == '' || $password == '' || $sitename == '' || $siteurl == '' || $adminemail == '') {
    $ficontent = '<p align="center" style="color: #CC0000">You must fill in all fields in the previous form in order to proceed. Please go back and make sure they all contain something other than whitespace or tags.</p>';
    } else {
    $results = 'Creating categories table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}categories`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}categories` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `description` text NOT NULL,
    `parent` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating comments table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}comments`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}comments` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `user` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `email` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
    `subject` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `comment` mediumtext NOT NULL,
    `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `cid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `tid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `pid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `nid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    FULLTEXT KEY `subject` (`subject`),
    FULLTEXT KEY `subject_2` (`subject`,`comment`),
    FULLTEXT KEY `comment` (`comment`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating files table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}files`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}files` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `location` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
    `title` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `description` text NOT NULL,
    `category` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `downloads` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `user` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating menu items table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}menuitems`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}menuitems` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `menu` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `page` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `link` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
    `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating menus table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}menus`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}menus` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating unmoderated comments table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}modcomments`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}modcomments` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `user` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `email` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
    `subject` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `comment` mediumtext NOT NULL,
    `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `cid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `tid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `pid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `nid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `refercid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `referuid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `refername` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `referreason` text NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating news table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}news`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}news` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `subject` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `post` mediumtext NOT NULL,
    `section` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `author` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `gooml` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `break` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `smileys` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    FULLTEXT KEY `subject` (`subject`),
    FULLTEXT KEY `subject_2` (`subject`,`post`),
    FULLTEXT KEY `post` (`post`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Inserting welcome news post...';
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `{$tpre}news` (`id`, `date`, `subject`, `post`, `section`, `author`, `username`, `gooml`, `break`, `smileys`) VALUES (1, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'Welcome!', 'Greetings, and welcome to this new Web site. It\'s powered by GooCMS, the Web site content management system from [link=http://www.tdgn.com]The Domain Group Network[/link].', 0, 1, '', 'true', 'true', 'true')");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating pages table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}pages`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}pages` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
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    `entry` longtext NOT NULL,
    `author` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
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    `views` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `gooml` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `break` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
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    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    FULLTEXT KEY `title` (`title`,`preface`,`entry`),
    FULLTEXT KEY `preface` (`preface`,`entry`),
    FULLTEXT KEY `title_2` (`title`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Inserting welcome page...';
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `{$tpre}pages` (`id`, `date`, `title`, `preface`, `entry`, `section`, `author`, `username`, `views`, `gooml`, `break`, `smileys`) VALUES (1, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'Welcome!', 'A page welcoming you to the site.', 'Greetings, and welcome to this new Web site. It\'s powered by GooCMS, the Web site content management system from [link=http://www.tdgn.com]The Domain Group Network[/link].', 1, 1, '', 0, 'true', 'true', 'true')");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating programmed news table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}pronews`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}pronews` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `subject` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `post` mediumtext NOT NULL,
    `section` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `author` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `gooml` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `break` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `smileys` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `prodate` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating programmed pages table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}propages`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}propages` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `title` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `preface` text NOT NULL,
    `entry` longtext NOT NULL,
    `author` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `section` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `gooml` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `break` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `smileys` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `prodate` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating ranks table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}ranks`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}ranks` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `rank` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `description` text NOT NULL,
    `pref` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
    `news` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `pages` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
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    `fileman` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `styles` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Inserting default ranks...';
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `{$tpre}ranks` (`id`, `rank`, `description`, `pref`, `name`, `news`, `pages`, `comments`, `styles`) VALUES (1, 0, 'Someone who has an account (for comment posting) but does not have access to the admin area.', 0, 'Visitor', '0:0', '0:0', '1:0', '0:0'),
    (2, 1, 'A general staff member with access to the admin area, but with no rights.', 1, 'General Staff', '0:0', '1:1', '1:1', '0:0'),
    (3, 2, 'Manages a specific section, taking care of the staff working in it.', 0, 'Section Manager', '', '', '', ''),
    (4, 3, 'A user with authority like a section manager\'s, but effective across all sections.', 0, 'Supervisor', '', '', '', ''),
    (5, 4, 'The second highest rank on the site, overruled only by the ?ber-administrator.', 0, 'Administrator', '', '', '', ''),
    (6, 5, 'The site God.', 0, '?ber-Administrator', '', '', '', '')");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating RSS table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}rss`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}rss` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
    `description` text NOT NULL,
    `link` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating sections table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}sections`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}sections` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `description` text NOT NULL,
    `style` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `override` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `manager` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `staff` text NOT NULL,
    `defpage` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Inserting default section...';
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `{$tpre}sections` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `style`, `override`, `manager`, `staff`, `defpage`) VALUES (1, 'Main', 'This is the main section of the site.', 0, 'false', 1, '', 1)");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating settings table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}settings`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}settings` (
    `sitename` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `siteurl` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
    `adminemail` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
    `status` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
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    `bulength` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `style` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
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    `nopages` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
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    `noposts` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `postlength` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `filelimit` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
    `dorss` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `rsstitle` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
    `rssdesc` text NOT NULL,
    `rsslink` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
    `rssversion` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
    `rsslength` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `allowgooml` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `allowhtml` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `showsmileys` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `dophp` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `visview` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `allowreg` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `anon` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `premod` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `lastpost` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `defmod` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `defsec` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `backup` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `debug` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `keeplogs` varchar(5) NOT NULL default ''
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Inserting default settings...';
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `{$tpre}settings` (`sitename`, `siteurl`, `adminemail`, `status`, `offreason`, `wotime`, `bulength`, `style`, `soverride`, `timeformat`, `dateformat`, `timezone`, `floodtime`, `nopages`, `noheads`, `noposts`, `postlength`, `filelimit`, `dorss`, `rsstitle`, `rssdesc`, `rsslink`, `rssversion`, `rsslength`, `allowgooml`, `allowhtml`, `showsmileys`, `dophp`, `visview`, `allowreg`, `anon`, `premod`, `lastpost`, `defmod`, `defsec`, `backup`, `debug`, `keeplogs`) VALUES ('{$sitename}', '{$siteurl}', '{$adminemail}', 'on', 'The site is currently closed to anyone below administrator status. If you have this status, you will have to log in to access the site.', 15, 7, 1, 'false', '<date>, H:i', 'j/n/Y', 0, 10, 5, 5, 15, 2000, 10485760, 'true', '<site>: <section> News', '$sitename', '$siteurl', '2.0', 200, 'on', 'off', 'on', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 0, 'news.php', 1, 0, 'false', 'true')");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating smileys table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}smileys`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}smileys` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `code` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
    `image` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
    `caption` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Inserting default smileys...';
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `{$tpre}smileys` (`id`, `code`, `image`, `caption`) VALUES (1, ':-)', 'smiley.gif', 'smiley'),
    (2, ':-D', 'biggrin.gif', 'big grin'),
    (3, 'B-)', 'cool.gif', 'cool'),
    (4, '8-)', 'crazy.gif', 'crazy'),
    (5, ':evil:', 'evil.gif', 'evil'),
    (6, ':groan:', 'groan.gif', 'groan'),
    (7, ':-(', 'sad.gif', 'sad'),
    (8, ':sigh:', 'sigh.gif', 'sigh'),
    (9, ':-P', 'tongueout.gif', 'tongueout'),
    (10, ';-)', 'winkeye.gif', 'winkeye'),
    (11, ':-o', 'yikes.gif', 'yikes')");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating styles table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}styles`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}styles` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
    `description` text NOT NULL,
    `user` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `smileydir` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Inserting default style...';
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `{$tpre}styles` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `user`, `username`, `smileydir`) VALUES (1, 'Silver', 'The default style for GooCMS - easily tailored to suit your needs.', 1, '', 'base/smileys')");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Creating templates table...';
    $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tpre}templates`");
    $db->query("CREATE TABLE `{$tpre}templates` (
    `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `template` longtext NOT NULL,
    `style` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `custom` varchar(5) NOT NULL default 'false'
    ) TYPE=MyISAM");
    $results .= ' done.<br>'."\n".'Inserting default templates...';
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `{$tpre}templates` (`name`, `template`, `style`, `custom`) VALUES ('pages_page', '<p class=\"ttitle\">\$title</p>\r\n<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"table\">\r\n<tr><td class=\"cell\"><span class=\"tsmall\"><strong>Author:</strong> <a href=\"\$userlink\">\$user</a> | <strong>Date:</strong> \$date | <strong>Views:</strong> \$views</span></td></tr>\r\n</table>\r\n\$content\r\n<br>\r\n\$comments\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('pages_list', '<p class=\"ttitle\">\$sname</p>\r\n<form name=\"artlist\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?task=pages&s=\$s\">\r\n<p align=\"center\"><strong>Order by:</strong> <select name=\"orderby\">\$orderoptions</select> \r\n<strong>Direction:</strong> <select name=\"direction\">\$directionoptions</select> \r\n<input type=\"submit\" name=\"artform\" value=\"List\"></p></form>\r\n\$list\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('menu_1_item', '&middot; <a href=\"\$link\">\$title</a><br>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_list_item_author', '\$author', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_list_item_date_none', 'Not Specified', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_list_item_date', '\$date', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_list_item_author_none', 'Not Specified', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_list_item_description', '<tr><td class=\"cmain\"><blockquote>\$description</blockquote></td></tr>', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_list_item_description_none', '', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_list_list', '<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"table\">\r\n\$items\r\n</table>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_list_item', '<tr><td class=\"cell\"><a href=\"\$link\"><span class=\"tsheader\">\$title</span></a><br>\r\n<span class=\"tsmall\"><strong>Author:</strong> \$author</a> | <strong>Date:</strong> \$date</span></td></tr>\r\n\$description\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_list_none', '<p><cite>There are no items in this RSS feed.</cite></p>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_list', '<p class=\"ttitle\">RSS Feed: \$feedname</p>\r\n\$list\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_feeds_none', '<p><cite>No RSS feeds could be found. You can only view feeds specified by the site\'s admins, and they haven\'t set any.</cite></p>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_feeds_item', '<p><strong><a href=\"\$link\">\$name</a></strong></p>\r\n<blockquote>\$description</blockquote>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('rss_feeds_feeds', '<p>Below is a list of all pre-configured RSS feeds you can view through this site.</p>\r\n\$items\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('menu_1', ' <tr>\r\n <td class=\"ctitle\" align=\"left\"><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"#AAAAAA\" class=\"header\" style=\"border-left: #666666 1px none\"><strong>\$name</strong></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </table></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td class=\"menu\">\r\n\$items</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
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    ('pages_list_controls_back', '<a href=\"\$lbackfull\">&lt;&lt;</a> | <a href=\"\$lback\">&lt;</a>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('pages_list_controls_back_none', '&nbsp;', 1, 'false'),
    ('pages_list_controls_next', '<a href=\"\$lnext\">&gt;</a> | <a href=\"\$lnextfull\">&gt;&gt;</a>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('pages_list_controls_next_none', '&nbsp;', 1, 'false'),
    ('pages_list_controls_none', '', 1, 'false'),
    ('pages_list_items', '\$controls\r\n<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"table\">\r\n\$items\r\n</table>\r\n\$controls\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('pages_list_items_item', '<tr><td class=\"cell\"><a href=\"\$link\"><span class=\"tsheader\">\$title</span></a><br>\r\n<span class=\"tsmall\"><strong>Author:</strong> <a href=\"\$userlink\">\$user</a> | <strong>Date:</strong> \$date | <strong>Views:</strong> \$views</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr><td class=\"cmain\"><blockquote>\$preface</blockquote></td></tr>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('pages_list_items_none', '<p><cite>No pages could be found matching that query.</cite></p>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_pages_list', '<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"table\">\r\n <tr><td class=\"cell\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"\$addurl\">Start New Comment Thread</a></td></tr>\r\n</table>\r\n<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"table\">\r\n <tr><td class=\"csub\" valign=\"top\">Subject</td><td class=\"csub\" valign=\"top\">Author</td><td class=\"csub\" valign=\"top\">Date</td></tr>\r\n\$comlist\r\n</table>', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_pages_list_item', '<tr><td class=\"cell\" valign=\"top\">\$subject</td><td class=\"cell\" valign=\"top\">\$author</td><td class=\"cell\" valign=\"top\">\$date</td></tr>', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_pages_list_none', '<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"table\">\r\n <tr><td class=\"cell\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"\$addurl\">Start New Comment Thread</a></td></tr>\r\n</table>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_pages_thread', '<p class=\"ttitle\">Comments</p>\r\n<p><strong>Posted by:</strong> \$author<br>\r\n<strong>Date:</strong> \$date</p>\r\n<p class=\"tsheader\">\$subject</p>\r\n<blockquote>\$comment</blockquote>\r\n<p align=\"center\">| <a href=\"\$replyurl\">Reply</a> | <a href=\"\$editurl\">Edit</a> | <a href=\"\$reporturl\">Report</a> |</p>\r\n<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"table\">\r\n\$before\r\n<tr><td class=\"cell\" style=\"background-color: #666666\">{\$indent}{\$subject}</td><td class=\"cell\" style=\"background-color: #666666\">\$author</td><td class=\"cell\" style=\"background-color: #666666\">\$date</td></td></tr>\r\n\$after\r\n</table>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_pages_thread_after_item', '<tr><td class=\"cell\">{\$spaces}{\$subject}</td><td class=\"cell\">\$author</td><td class=\"cell\">\$date</td></tr>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_pages_thread_before_item', '<tr><td class=\"cell\">{\$spaces}{\$subject}</td><td class=\"cell\">\$author</td><td class=\"cell\">\$date</td></tr>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_pages_thread_space', '&nbsp;&nbsp;', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_edit', '<p class=\"ttitle\">Edit a Comment</p>\r\n<form name=\"poster\" method=\"post\" action=\"\$editurl\">\r\n<p><strong>Posted by:</strong> \$user<br>\r\n<strong>Date:</strong> \$date</p>\r\n<p><strong>Subject:</strong><br>\r\n<input type=\"text\" width=\"20\" maxlength=\"40\" name=\"subject\" value=\"\$subject\"></p>\r\n<p><strong>Comment:</strong><br>\r\n<textarea rows=\"15\" style=\"width: 100%\" cols=\"50\" name=\"comment\">\$comment</textarea></p>\r\n\$delete\r\n<p align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Edit\" name=\"editform\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cid\" value=\"\$cid\"></p>\r\n</form>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_edit_delete', '<p><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete\" value=\"true\"> <strong>Delete?</strong><br>\r\n<cite>(NOT recommended, as this will delete all comments under it.)</cite></p>', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_edit_nodelete', '', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_edit_success', '<p class=\"ttitle\">Edit a Comment</p>\r\n<p>\$msg</p>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_news_list', '<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"table\">\r\n <tr><td class=\"cell\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"\$addurl\">Start New Comment Thread</a></td></tr>\r\n</table>\r\n<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"table\">\r\n <tr><td class=\"csub\" valign=\"top\">Subject</td><td class=\"csub\" valign=\"top\">Author</td><td class=\"csub\" valign=\"top\">Date</td></tr>\r\n\$comlist\r\n</table>', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_news_list_item', '<tr><td class=\"cell\" valign=\"top\">\$subject</td><td class=\"cell\" valign=\"top\">\$author</td><td class=\"cell\" valign=\"top\">\$date</td></tr>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_news_list_none', '<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#000000\">\r\n <tr><td class=\"cell\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"\$addurl\">Start New Comment Thread</a></td></tr>\r\n</table>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_news_thread', '<p class=\"ttitle\">Comments</p>\r\n<p><strong>Posted by:</strong> \$author<br>\r\n<strong>Date:</strong> \$date</p>\r\n<p class=\"tsheader\">\$subject</p>\r\n<blockquote>\$comment</blockquote>\r\n<p align=\"center\">| <a href=\"\$replyurl\">Reply</a> | <a href=\"\$editurl\">Edit</a> | <a href=\"\$reporturl\">Report</a> |</p>\r\n<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"table\">\r\n\$before\r\n<tr><td class=\"cell\" style=\"background-color: #888888\">{\$indent}{\$subject}</td><td class=\"cell\" style=\"background-color: #888888\">\$author</td><td class=\"cell\" style=\"background-color: #888888\">\$date</td></td></tr>\r\n\$after\r\n</table>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
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    ('comments_news_thread_before_item', '<tr><td class=\"cell\">{\$spaces}{\$subject}</td><td class=\"cell\">\$author</td><td class=\"cell\">\$date</td></tr>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_news_thread_space', '&nbsp;&nbsp;', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_post', '<p class=\"ttitle\">Post a Comment</p>\r\n<p align=\"center\">- <a href=\"\$contenturl\">\$contentname</a> -</p>\r\n<form name=\"poster\" method=\"post\" action=\"\$posturl\">\r\n\$names\r\n<p><strong>Subject:</strong><br>\r\n<input type=\"text\" width=\"20\" maxlength=\"40\" name=\"subject\" value=\"\$newsubject\"></p>\r\n<p><strong>Comment:</strong><br>\r\n<textarea rows=\"15\" style=\"width: 100%\" cols=\"50\" name=\"comment\"></textarea></p>\r\n<p align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Post\" name=\"postform\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cid\" value=\"\$cid\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pid\" value=\"\$pid\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nid\" value=\"\$nid\"></p>\r\n</form>\r\n\$previous\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_post_loggedin', '', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_post_loggedout', '<p>You are not logged in, but may post without an account. You\'ll need to provide your e-mail address, though.</p>\r\n<p><strong>Your name:</strong><br>\r\n<input type=\"text\" width=\"20\" maxlength=\"50\" name=\"name\"><br>\r\n<strong>Your e-mail:</strong><br>\r\n<input type=\"text\" width=\"20\" maxlength=\"60\" name=\"email\"></p>', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_post_previous', '<hr width=\"90%\" color=\"#999999\" align=\"center\">\r\n<p class=\"tsheader\">Replying to:</p>\r\n<blockquote><p><strong>Posted by:</strong> {\$prev_user}</br>\r\n<strong>Date:</strong> {\$prev_date}</p>\r\n<p><strong>Subject:</strong> \"{\$prev_subject}\"</p>\r\n<p>{\$prev_comment}</p></blockquote>', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_post_previous_none', '', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_post_success', '<p class=\"ttitle\">Post a Comment</p>\r\n<p>\$msg</p>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_report', '<p class=\"ttitle\">Report a Comment</p>\r\n<p>Use the form below to give us a reason why you\'re reporting this comment. You do not need to quote the comment as it will be included in the report.</p>\r\n<form name=\"reporter\" method=\"post\" action=\"\$reporturl\">\r\n<p><strong>Reason:</strong><br>\r\n<textarea rows=\"5\" style=\"width: 100%\" cols=\"50\" name=\"referreason\"></textarea></p>\r\n<p align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Report\" name=\"repform\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cid\" value=\"\$cid\"></p>\r\n</form>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('comments_report_success', '<p class=\"ttitle\">Report a Comment</p>\r\n<p>The comment you selected has been reported to the administration, and will be checked.</p>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('content_error', '<p class=\"ttitle\">ERROR</p>\r\n\$content\r\n', 1, 'false'),
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    ('files_browse_categories_item', '<a href=\"\$link\">\$name</a> &gt; <cite>(\$c)(\$f)</cite><br>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('files_browse_categories_none', '', 1, 'false'),
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    ('files_browse_files_item', '<p><strong>\$title</strong><br>\r\n| <a href=\"\$showlink\">Details</a> | <a href=\"\$downloadlink\">Download</a> |</p>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('files_browse_files_none', '<p><cite>There are no files in this category.</cite></p>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
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    ('log_in_success', '<p class=\"ttitle\">Log Into the Site</p>\r\n<script>\r\n function movepage() {\r\n window.location.replace(\\\"index.php\\\");\r\n }\r\n setTimeout(\\\"movepage();\\\", 1250);\r\n</script>\r\n<p>You have been successfully logged into the site, and are being redirected to the front page.</p>\r\n', 1, 'false'),
    ('main', '<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>\$sitename</title>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">\r\n\$css\r\n</head>\r\n\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#999999\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#333333\" vlink=\"#333333\" alink=\"#333333\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\">\r\n<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#666666\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cells
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    strat-clan2003 hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    Danke es klappt!
  5. h*************e

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    -->Danke es klappt!<--

    Damit ist das Thema erledigt. Falls nicht PN an mich.


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    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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