kostenloser Webspace werbefrei: lima-city

webspace at lima-city.de


  1. Autor dieses Themas


    minimetallmarkt hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    I know that webspace limit is almost full. The reference point is at http://www.lima-city.de/thread/webspace-voll. I'd like to know details because my German speech isn't well enough.

    I'd like to know what will happen. It will be webspace incremented? When and how this problem will be resolved?
  2. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

  3. Have I even here with the Google translator can specify überstzen link:
    Masl darusch hope that you understand it then kanstt something ...

    The hard drives for the webspace servers are full, it can not currently be uploaded files.
    Once the problem is resolved, or we can make real-time information, when it will be solved, we enter it.

    UPDATE April 14:
    So that's what it looks like the FTP is now unlocked during the day again.

    UPDATE 14th 21:22 April:
    We have released the FTP again, because we have freed up space on the Web server. However, we could not expand the disk space, so the problem, depending on how fast their Web space again zuschaufelt will occur again until the final solution of the problem.

    UPDATE 06th June:
    The space is currently being exploited again and it may take a while to additional memory is available. Thus error messages occur when uploading / modifying files on the webspace.
    FTP / File Manager therefore also in part not be reached.

    UPDATE 08th June:
    It was re-released a lot of space and should be sufficient for a few weeks, the space itself was not expanded. Depending on how quickly you zuschaufelt the web space again, the problem will occur again if necessary until the final solution. Solutions are currently being developed internally.

    UPDATE 15th June:
    The server is now full again, because tonight was uploaded very much. Therefore, even FTP / file manager is not available.

    UPDATE 16th June:
    The FTP / File Manager access is (at least for now) available again.

    Link : http://www.lima-city.de/thread/webspace-voll
  4. hk1992

    Moderator Kostenloser Webspace von hk1992

    hk1992 hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    There will something happen ;-)
    But it's not really clear when and under what circumstances. At the moment everything works fine. Anyway, there will be a solution.

  5. Hi,

    hk1992 schrieb:
    But it's not really clear when and under what circumstances.

    What do you mean? Does that actualy mean that this time the Webspace won't be freed a little like the other times and will be blocked for a longer period? Cause in that case I'l change hoster...

    hk1992 schrieb:
    At the moment everything works fine.


    well thats about it,



    Just for your information and to maybe help you improve your english (It's not meant as a bash or anything):

    hk1992 schrieb:
    There will something happen ;-)

    is not entirerly correct, more correct would be: There will happen something! (you can't directly translate it from german)
  6. hk1992

    Moderator Kostenloser Webspace von hk1992

    hk1992 hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    At the moment again my FTP-Connection to the Lima-City Webspace works fine! But there is a problem with the webspace and the Lima-City Team is working on in. Sometime it needs more time to fix the problem but Lima will always try to improve. We know that's not nice to be out of service so we're discussion long-acting solutions.
  7. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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