kostenloser Webspace werbefrei: lima-city

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  1. Autor dieses Themas


    Kostenloser Webspace von smv-esg, auf Homepage erstellen warten

    smv-esg hat kostenlosen Webspace.


    hatte heute ein zweites SMF Forum installiert. Funktionierte beides einwandfrei ...

    ... aber auf einmal nicht mehr (das eine lief schon gut 3 Wochen ohne jedwelchen Schwierigkeiten, mein drittes schon seit einem Jahr ohne Probleme (dieses dritte ist auch nicht betroffen)

    aber hatte bei dem neuen SMF ein MOD für eine Bridge installiert und nun erhalte ich folgendes ...

    zudem spinnt filezilla total
    Warning: Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in rd/cache/data_fbff07970a8498b9b507b68a937efa4b-SMF-modSettings.php on line 1
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':' in /hcache/data_fbff07970a8498b9b507b68a937efa4b-SMF-modSettings.php on line 1

    Weiß wer weiter?
  2. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

  3. Da hat sich das Forum vermutlich bein Anlegen der Cachedateien verstolpert. Geh per FTP auf deinen Webspace und lösche die Dateien in den Cacheordnern. Dann sollte SMF den Cache beim nächsten Seitenaufruf neu schreiben und alles wird gut.

  4. Autor dieses Themas


    Kostenloser Webspace von smv-esg, auf Homepage erstellen warten

    smv-esg hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    fatfreddy schrieb:
    Da hat sich das Forum vermutlich bein Anlegen der Cachedateien verstolpert. Geh per FTP auf deinen Webspace und lösche die Dateien in den Cacheordnern. Dann sollte SMF den Cache beim nächsten Seitenaufruf neu schreiben und alles wird gut.


    das hört sich schoneinmal sehr gut an, dankedir, nur merkwürdig ist eben auch, dass ich das zweite Forum an dem Tag (also heute, während ich das neue installiert habe) nicht ein einziges mal aufgerufen habe, sodass diese nie in Verbindung stehen; und dann habe ich es geöffnet und hat nicht geklappt.

    WIchtig wäre für mich noch: Soll ich den ganzen Cache leeren? ca. 15 Dateien oder nur die Datei die benannt wird?

    Beitrag zuletzt geändert: 31.7.2010 18:18:18 von smv-esg
  5. Anscheinend gibt es gerade ein paar kleinere Probleme mit dem Webspace bei LC. Da scheint es zu Schreib- und Zugriffsfehlern zu kommen. Woran es liegt, weiß ich auch nicht. Karpfen hat die Knights aber scon informiert.

    Was den Cache angeht, kannst Du vorerst nur die als fehlerhaft gemeldeten Dateien löschen. Wenn Du noch ins Backend kommst, gibt es vermutlich auch dort eine Option zum löschen des Cache. Die wäre natürlich vorzuziehen.

    SMF kenne ich nur oberflächlich, darum kann ich dir nichts Genaueres sagen.

  6. Autor dieses Themas


    Kostenloser Webspace von smv-esg, auf Homepage erstellen warten

    smv-esg hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    fatfreddy schrieb:
    Anscheinend gibt es gerade ein paar kleinere Probleme mit dem Webspace bei LC. Da scheint es zu Schreib- und Zugriffsfehlern zu kommen. Woran es liegt, weiß ich auch nicht. Karpfen hat die Knights aber scon informiert.

    Was den Cache angeht, kannst Du vorerst nur die als fehlerhaft gemeldeten Dateien löschen. Wenn Du noch ins Backend kommst, gibt es vermutlich auch dort eine Option zum löschen des Cache. Die wäre natürlich vorzuziehen.

    SMF kenne ich nur oberflächlich, darum kann ich dir nichts Genaueres sagen.


    du bist ein schatz ff

    hast du super gemacht, es läuft wieder ... danke dir

    habe den cache geleert und anschließend STRG + F5 geklickt und die seite lud wieder...

    // Important! Before editing these language files please read the text at the top of index.english.php. global $context; // Registration agreement page. $txt['registration_agreement'] = 'Registration Agreement'; $txt['agreement_agree'] = 'I accept the terms of the agreement.'; $txt['agreement_agree_coppa_above'] = 'I accept the terms of the agreement and I am at least %1$d years old.'; $txt['agreement_agree_coppa_below'] = 'I accept the terms of the agreement and I am younger than %1$d years old.'; // Registration form. $txt['registration_form'] = 'Registration Form'; $txt['need_username'] = 'You need to fill in a username.'; $txt['no_password'] = 'You didn\'t enter your password.'; $txt['incorrect_password'] = 'Password incorrect'; $txt['choose_username'] = 'Choose username'; $txt['maintain_mode'] = 'Maintenance Mode'; $txt['registration_successful'] = 'Registration Successful'; $txt['now_a_member'] = 'Success! You are now a member of the forum.'; // Use numeric entities in the below string. $txt['your_password'] = 'and your password is'; $txt['valid_email_needed'] = 'Please enter a valid email address, %1$s.'; $txt['required_info'] = 'Required Information'; $txt['identification_by_smf'] = 'Used to identify you on the forum.'; $txt['additional_information'] = 'Additional Information'; $txt['warning'] = 'Warning!'; $txt['only_members_can_access'] = 'Only registered members are allowed to access this section.'; $txt['login_below'] = 'Please login below or'; $txt['register_an_account'] = 'register an account'; $txt['login_with_forum'] = 'with %1$s.'; // Use numeric entities in the below two strings. $txt['may_change_in_profile'] = 'You may change it after you login by going to the profile page, or by visiting this page after you login:'; $txt['your_username_is'] = 'Your username is: '; $txt['login_hash_error'] = 'Password security has recently been upgraded. Please enter your password again.'; $txt['ban_register_prohibited'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to register on this forum.'; $txt['under_age_registration_prohibited'] = 'Sorry, but users under the age of %1$d are not allowed to register on this forum.'; $txt['activate_account'] = 'Account activation'; $txt['activate_success'] = 'Your account has been successfully activated. You can now proceed to login.'; $txt['activate_not_completed1'] = 'Your email address needs to be validated before you can login.'; $txt['activate_not_completed2'] = 'Need another activation email?'; $txt['activate_after_registration'] = 'Thank you for registering. You will receive an email soon with a link to activate your account. If you don\'t receive an email after some time, check your spam folder.'; $txt['invalid_userid'] = 'User does not exist'; $txt['invalid_activation_code'] = 'Invalid activation code'; $txt['invalid_activation_username'] = 'Username or email'; $txt['invalid_activation_new'] = 'If you registered with the wrong email address, type a new one and your password here.'; $txt['invalid_activation_new_email'] = 'New email address'; $txt['invalid_activation_password'] = 'Old password'; $txt['invalid_activation_resend'] = 'Resend activation code'; $txt['invalid_activation_known'] = 'If you already know your activation code, please type it here.'; $txt['invalid_activation_retry'] = 'Activation code'; $txt['invalid_activation_submit'] = 'Activate'; $txt['coppa_no_concent'] = 'The administrator has still not received parent/guardian consent for your account.'; $txt['coppa_need_more_details'] = 'Need more details?'; $txt['awaiting_delete_account'] = 'Your account has been marked for deletion!
    If you wish to restore your account, please check the "Reactivate my account" box, and login again.'; $txt['undelete_account'] = 'Reactivate my account'; // Use numeric entities in the below three strings. $txt['change_password'] = 'New Password Details'; $txt['change_password_login'] = 'Your login details at'; $txt['change_password_new'] = 'have been changed and your password reset. Below are your new login details.'; $txt['in_maintain_mode'] = 'This board is in Maintenance Mode.'; // These two are used as a javascript alert; please use international characters directly, not as entities. $txt['register_agree'] = 'Please read and accept the agreement before registering.'; $txt['register_passwords_differ_js'] = 'The two passwords you entered are not the same!'; $txt['approval_after_registration'] = 'Thank you for registering. The admin must approve your registration before you may begin to use your account, you will receive an email shortly advising you of the admins decision.'; $txt['admin_settings_desc'] = 'Here you can change a variety of settings related to registration of new members.'; $txt['setting_enableOpenID'] = 'Allow users to register using OpenID'; $txt['setting_registration_method'] = 'Method of registration employed for new members'; $txt['setting_registration_disabled'] = 'Registration Disabled'; $txt['setting_registration_standard'] = 'Immediate Registration'; $txt['setting_registration_activate'] = 'Email Activation'; $txt['setting_registration_approval'] = 'Admin Approval'; $txt['setting_notify_new_registration'] = 'Notify administrators when a new member joins'; $txt['setting_send_welcomeEmail'] = 'Send welcome email to new members'; $txt['setting_coppaAge'] = 'Age below which to apply registration restrictions'; $txt['setting_coppaAge_desc'] = '(Set to 0 to disable)'; $txt['setting_coppaType'] = 'Action to take when a user below minimum age registers'; $txt['setting_coppaType_reject'] = 'Reject their registration'; $txt['setting_coppaType_approval'] = 'Require parent/guardian approval'; $txt['setting_coppaPost'] = 'Postal address to which approval forms should be sent'; $txt['setting_coppaPost_desc'] = 'Only applies if age restriction is in place'; $txt['setting_coppaFax'] = 'Fax number to which approval forms should be faxed'; $txt['setting_coppaPhone'] = 'Contact number for parents to contact with age restriction queries'; $txt['admin_register'] = 'Registration of new member'; $txt['admin_register_desc'] = 'From here you can register new members into the forum, and if desired, email them their details.'; $txt['admin_register_username'] = 'New Username'; $txt['admin_register_email'] = 'Email Address'; $txt['admin_register_password'] = 'Password'; $txt['admin_register_username_desc'] = 'Username for the new member'; $txt['admin_register_email_desc'] = 'Email address of the member'; $txt['admin_register_password_desc'] = 'Password for new member'; $txt['admin_register_email_detail'] = 'Email new password to user'; $txt['admin_register_email_detail_desc'] = 'Email address required even if unchecked'; $txt['admin_register_email_activate'] = 'Require user to activate the account'; $txt['admin_register_group'] = 'Primary Membergroup'; $txt['admin_register_group_desc'] = 'Primary membergroup new member will belong to'; $txt['admin_register_group_none'] = '(no primary membergroup)'; $txt['admin_register_done'] = 'Member %1$s has been registered successfully!'; $txt['coppa_title'] = 'Age Restricted Forum'; $txt['coppa_after_registration'] = 'Thank you for registering with ' . $context['forum_name_html_safe'] . '.

    Because you fall under the age of {MINIMUM_AGE}, it is a legal requirement to obtain your parent or guardian\'s permission before you may begin to use your account. To arrange for account activation please print off the form below:'; $txt['coppa_form_link_popup'] = 'Load Form In New Window'; $txt['coppa_form_link_download'] = 'Download Form as Text File'; $txt['coppa_send_to_one_option'] = 'Then arrange for your parent/guardian to send the completed form by:'; $txt['coppa_send_to_two_options'] = 'Then arrange for your parent/guardian to send the completed form by either:'; $txt['coppa_send_by_post'] = 'Post, to the following address:'; $txt['coppa_send_by_fax'] = 'Fax, to the following number:'; $txt['coppa_send_by_phone'] = 'Alternatively, arrange for them to phone the administrator at {PHONE_NUMBER}.'; $txt['coppa_form_title'] = 'Permission form for registration at ' . $context['forum_name_html_safe']; $txt['coppa_form_address'] = 'Address'; $txt['coppa_form_date'] = 'Date'; $txt['coppa_form_body'] = 'I {PARENT_NAME},

    Give permission for {CHILD_NAME} (child name) to become a fully registered member of the forum: ' . $context['forum_name_html_safe'] . ', with the username: {USER_NAME}.

    I understand that certain personal information entered by {USER_NAME} may be shown to other users of the forum.

    {PARENT_NAME} (Parent/Guardian).'; $txt['visual_verification_sound_again'] = 'Play again'; $txt['visual_verification_sound_close'] = 'Close window'; $txt['visual_verification_sound_direct'] = 'Having problems hearing this? Try a direct link to it.'; // Use numeric entities in the below. $txt['registration_username_available'] = 'Username is available'; $txt['registration_username_unavailable'] = 'Username is not available'; $txt['registration_username_check'] = 'Check if username is available'; $txt['registration_password_short'] = 'Password is too short'; $txt['registration_password_reserved'] = 'Password contains your username/email'; $txt['registration_password_numbercase'] = 'Password must contain both upper and lower case, and numbers'; $txt['registration_password_no_match'] = 'Passwords do not match'; $txt['registration_password_valid'] = 'Password is valid'; $txt['registration_errors_occurred'] = 'The following errors were detected in your registration. Please correct them to continue:'; $txt['authenticate_label'] = 'Authentication Method'; $txt['authenticate_password'] = 'Password'; $txt['authenticate_openid'] = 'OpenID'; $txt['authenticate_openid_url'] = 'OpenID Authentication URL'; ?>

    neuese Fehlermeldung auf dem neuen forum

    Beitrag zuletzt geändert: 31.7.2010 18:42:31 von smv-esg
  7. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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