.net Domain Werbung
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Hallo Zusammen,
Vor ein paar Wochen hatte ich bei Lima-City eine .net Domain registriert. Seit dem erhalte ich regelmäßig komische E-Mails, weiß jemand von euch, was es damit auf sich hat?
ATTENTION: IMPORTANT NOTICE Domain SEO Service Registration Corp. Order#: 674598 Date: 02/16/2015 EXPIRATION OFFER NOTICE DOMAIN: marvinkleinmusic.net Notification Purchase Offer EXPIRATION OFFER DATE: 02/24/2015 To: MEINE ADRESSE Domain Name: Registration SEO Period: Price: Term: marvinkleinmusic.net 03/10/2015 to 03/09/2016 $64.00 1 Year SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT Domain Name: marvinkleinmusic.net Attn: Marvin Klein This important expiration notification notifies you about the expiration notice of your domain registration for marvinkleinmusic.net search engine submission. The information in this expiration notification may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information from the notification processing department of the Domain SEO Service Registration to purchase our SEO Traffic Generator. This information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named above. If you fail to complete your domain name registration marvinkleinmusic.net search engine service by the expiration date, may result in the cancellation of this SEO domain name notification offer notice. PLEASE CLICK ON SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT TO COMPLETE YOUR PAYMENT. Failure to complete your seo domain name registration marvinkleinmusic.net search engine service process may make it difficult for customers to find you on the web. CLICK UNDERNEATH FOR IMMEDIATE PAYMENT PROCESS PAYMENT FOR marvinkleinmusic.net SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT ACT IMMEDIATELY This domain seo registration for marvinkleinmusic.net search engine service notification offer will expire 02/24/2015. Instructions and Unsubscribe Instructions: You have received this message because you elected to receive special notification offers. If you no longer wish to receive our notifications, please unsubscribe here or mail us a written request to Domain SEO Service Registration Corp., 5379 Lyons Rd. 452, Coconut Creek, FL 33073. If you have multiple accounts with us, you must opt out for each one individually in order to stop receiving notifications notices. We are a search engine optimization company. We do not directly register or renew domain names. We are selling traffic generator software tools. This message is CAN-SPAM compliant. THIS IS NOT A BILL. THIS IS A NOTIFICATION OFFER. YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO PAY THE AMOUNT STATED UNLESS YOU ACCEPT THIS NOTIFICATION OFFER. Please do not reply to this email, as we are not able to respond to messages sent to this address.
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lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage
Nach kurzer Recherche ist die Mail als Scam-Versuch enttarnt:
Die Mail ist definitiv nicht von der Registrierungsstelle, zumal die Domain bei uns bis 2016 bezahlt ist -
Bei "SEO" ist eigentlich klar, dass es nicht vom Registrar ist. Hätte mich aber auch erstmal beunruhigt, so dramatisch wie es geschrieben ist.
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lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage