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Warning: Division by zero in /home/webpages/lima-city/christophkiss/html/4d2006/newssystem/Newssystem/inc/ on line 469
Was bedeutet das??
Beitrag geaendert: 28.4.2007 10:08:14 von christophkiss -
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lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage
Warning: Division by zero
Warnung: Division durch Null
Noob-Deutsch (:P):
Warnung: Da versucht jemand eine Zahl durch Null zu teilen.
;D -
Das versteh ich ja auch noch, aber was hat diese Fehlermeldung mit neuen News von dem Newsscript zu tun? Da dividiert keiner was!
Das versteh ich ja auch noch, aber was hat diese Fehlermeldung mit neuen News von dem Newsscript zu tun? Da dividiert keiner was!
dann schick doch mal die besagte zeile... vllt hast du ein \" mit /" vertauscht, oder was weis ich...
umsonst kommt ja der fehler nicht... -
<?PHP // bad practice, i know if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) {extract($HTTP_SESSION_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);} if ($_SESSION) {extract($_SESSION, EXTR_SKIP);} if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS) {extract($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);} if ($_COOKIE) {extract($_COOKIE, EXTR_SKIP);} if ($HTTP_POST_VARS) {extract($HTTP_POST_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);} if ($_POST) {extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP);} if ($HTTP_GET_VARS) {extract($HTTP_GET_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);} if ($_GET) {extract($_GET, EXTR_SKIP);} if ($HTTP_ENV_VARS) {extract($HTTP_ENV_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);} if ($_ENV) {extract($_ENV, EXTR_SKIP);} //---------------------------------- // Sanitize Variables //---------------------------------- if( isset($template) and $template != "" and !eregi("^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,}$", $template)){ die("invalid template characters"); } if( isset($archive) and $archive != "" and !eregi("^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,}$", $archive)){ die("invalid archive characters"); } if($PHP_SELF == ""){ $PHP_SELF = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["PHP_SELF"]; } $phpversion = @phpversion(); $a7f89abdcf9324b3 = ""; $comm_start_from = htmlspecialchars($comm_start_from); $start_from = htmlspecialchars($start_from); $archive = htmlspecialchars($archive); $subaction = htmlspecialchars($subaction); $id = htmlspecialchars($id); $ucat = htmlspecialchars($ucat); if(is_array($category)){ foreach($category as $ckey=>$cvalue){ $category[$ckey] = htmlspecialchars($category[$ckey]);} } else{ $category = htmlspecialchars($category); } $number = htmlspecialchars($number); $template = htmlspecialchars($template); $show = htmlspecialchars($show); $config_version_name = "CuteNews v1.4.5"; $config_version_id = 180; //---------------------------------- // Some Special Chars //---------------------------------- $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS = Array ( // Master array replaced ALWAYS !!! '”' => '”', '“' => '“', 'œ' => 'œ', '™' => '™', '’' => '’', '‘' => '‘', '‰' => '‰', '…' => '…', '€' => '€', '¡' => '¡', '¢' => '¢', '£' => '£', '¤' => '¤', '¥' => '¥', '¦' => '¦', '§' => '§', '¨' => '¨', '©' => '©', 'ª' => 'ª', '«' => '«', '¬' => '¬', '' => '­', '®' => '®', '¯' => '¯', '°' => '°', '±' => '±', '²' => '²', '³' => '³', '´' => '´', '·' => '·', '¸' => '¸', '¹' => '¹', 'º' => 'º', '»' => '»', '¼' => '¼', '½' => '½', '¾' => '¾', '¿' => '¿', ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: ResynchronizeAutoArchive // Description: Auto-Archives News function ResynchronizeAutoArchive(){ global $cutepath, $config_auto_archive, $config_notify_email,$config_notify_archive,$config_notify_status; $count_news = count(file("$cutepath/data/news.txt")); if($count_news > 1){ if($config_auto_archive == "yes"){ $now[year] = date("Y"); $now[month] = date("n"); $db_content = file("$cutepath/data/auto_archive.db.php"); list($last_archived[year], $last_archived[month]) = split("\|", $db_content[0] ); $tmp_now_sum = $now[year] . sprintf("%02d", $now[month]) ; $tmp_last_sum = (int)$last_archived[year] . sprintf("%02d", (int)$last_archived[month]) ; if($tmp_now_sum > $tmp_last_sum){ $error = FALSE; $arch_name = time(); if(!@copy("$cutepath/data/news.txt","$cutepath/data/archives/$")) { $error = "Can not copy news.txt from data/ to data/archives"; } if(!@copy("$cutepath/data/comments.txt","$cutepath/data/archives/$arch_name.comments.arch")) { $error = "Can not copy comments.txt from data/ to data/archives"; } $handle = fopen("$cutepath/data/news.txt","w") or $error = "Can not open news.txt"; fclose($handle); $handle = fopen("$cutepath/data/comments.txt","w") or $error = "Can not open comments.txt"; fclose($handle); $fp = @fopen("$cutepath/data/auto_archive.db.php", "w"); @flock ($fp,2); if(!$errors){ fwrite($fp, $now[year]."|".$now[month]."\n"); } else{ fwrite($fp, "0|0|$error\n"); } foreach($db_content as $line){ @fwrite($fp, $line); } @flock ($fp,3); @fclose($fp); if($config_notify_archive == "yes" and $config_notify_status == "active"){ send_mail("$config_notify_email", "CuteNews - AutoArchive was Performed", "CuteNews has performed the AutoArchive function.\n$count_news News Articles were archived.\n$error"); } } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: ResynchronizePostponed // Description: Refreshes the Postponed News file. function ResynchronizePostponed(){ global $cutepath,$config_notify_postponed,$config_notify_status,$config_notify_email; $all_postponed_db = file("$cutepath/data/postponed_news.txt"); if(!empty($all_postponed_db)){ $new_postponed_db = fopen("$cutepath/data/postponed_news.txt", w); @flock ($new_postponed_db,2); $now_date = time(); foreach ($all_postponed_db as $p_line){ $p_item_db = explode("|",$p_line); if($p_item_db[0] <= $now_date){ // Item is old and must be Activated, add it to news.txt $all_active_db = file("$cutepath/data/news.txt"); $active_news_file = fopen("$cutepath/data/news.txt", "w"); @flock ($active_news_file,2); fwrite($active_news_file,"$p_line"); foreach ($all_active_db as $active_line){ fwrite($active_news_file, "$active_line");} @flock ($active_news_file,3); fclose($active_news_file); if($config_notify_postponed == "yes" and $config_notify_status == "active"){ send_mail("$config_notify_email", "CuteNews - Postponed article was Activated", "CuteNews has activated the article '$p_item_db[2]'"); } }else{ // Item is still postponed fwrite($new_postponed_db,"$p_line"); } } @flock ($new_postponed_db,3); fclose($new_postponed_db); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: send_mail // Description: sends mail ... huh :) function send_mail($to, $subject, $message){ if(!isset($to) or !$to or $to == ''){ }else{ $tos = FALSE; $to = str_replace(' ', '', $to); if(eregi(',', '')){ $tos = explode(',', $to); } $from = 'CuteNews@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $headers = ''; $headers .= "From: $from\n"; $headers .= "Reply-to: $from\n"; $headers .= "Return-Path: $from\n"; $headers .= "Message-ID: <" . md5(uniqid(time())) . "@" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ">\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/plain;\n"; $headers .= "Date: " . date('r', time()) . "\n"; if($tos){ foreach($tos as $my_to){ @mail($my_to,$subject,$message,$headers); } }else{ @mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: formatsize // Description: Format the size of given file function formatsize($file_size){ if($file_size >= 1073741824) {$file_size = round($file_size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . "Gb";} elseif($file_size >= 1048576) {$file_size = round($file_size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . "Mb";} elseif($file_size >= 1024) {$file_size = round($file_size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . "Kb";} else{$file_size = $file_size . "b";} return $file_size; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class: microTimer // Description: calculates the micro time class microTimer { function start() { global $starttime; $mtime = microtime (); $mtime = explode (' ', $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $starttime = $mtime; } function stop() { global $starttime; $mtime = microtime (); $mtime = explode (' ', $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $endtime = $mtime; $totaltime = round (($endtime - $starttime), 5); return $totaltime; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: check_login // Description: Check login information function check_login($username, $md5_password){ $result = FALSE; $full_member_db = file("./data/users.db.php"); global $member_db; foreach($full_member_db as $member_db_line) { if(!eregi("<\?",$member_db_line)){ $member_db = explode("|",$member_db_line); if(strtolower($member_db[2]) == strtolower($username) && $member_db[3] == $md5_password) { $result = TRUE; break; } } } return $result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: cute_query_string // Description: Format the Query_String for CuteNews purpuses index.php? function cute_query_string($q_string, $strips, $type="get"){ foreach($strips as $key){ $strips[$key] = TRUE; } $var_value = explode("&", $q_string); foreach($var_value as $var_peace){ $parts = explode("=", $var_peace); if($strips[$parts[0]] != TRUE and $parts[0] != ""){ if($type == "post"){ $my_q .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"".@htmlspecialchars($parts[0])."\" value=\"".@htmlspecialchars($parts[1])."\" />\n"; }else{ $my_q .= "$var_peace&"; } } } if( substr($my_q, -5) == "&" ){ $my_q = substr($my_q, 0, -5); } return $my_q; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Flooder // Description: Flood Protection Function function flooder($ip, $comid){ global $cutepath, $config_flood_time; $old_db = file("$cutepath/data/flood.db.php"); $new_db = fopen("$cutepath/data/flood.db.php", w); $result = FALSE; foreach($old_db as $old_db_line){ $old_db_arr = explode("|", $old_db_line); if(($old_db_arr[0] + $config_flood_time) > time() ){ fwrite($new_db, $old_db_line); if($old_db_arr[1] == $ip and $old_db_arr[2] == $comid) { $result = TRUE; } } } fclose($new_db); return $result; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: msg // Description: Displays message to user function msg($type, $title, $text, $back=FALSE){ echoheader($type, $title); global $lang; echo"<table border=0 cellpading=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% height=100%><tr><td >$text"; if($back){ echo"<br /><br> <a href=\"$back\">go back</a>"; } echo"</td></tr></table>"; echofooter(); exit(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: echoheader // Description: Displays header skin function echoheader($image, $header_text){ global $PHP_SELF, $is_loged_in, $config_skin, $skin_header, $lang_content_type, $skin_menu, $skin_prefix, $config_version_name; if($is_loged_in == TRUE){ $skin_header = preg_replace("/{menu}/", "$skin_menu", "$skin_header"); } else { $skin_header = preg_replace("/{menu}/", " $config_version_name", "$skin_header"); } $skin_header = get_skin($skin_header); $skin_header = preg_replace("/{image-name}/", "${skin_prefix}${image}", $skin_header); $skin_header = preg_replace("/{header-text}/", $header_text, $skin_header); $skin_header = preg_replace("/{content-type}/", $lang_content_type, $skin_header); echo $skin_header; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: echofooter // Description: Displays footer skin function echofooter(){ global $PHP_SELF, $is_loged_in, $config_skin, $skin_footer, $lang_content_type, $skin_menu, $skin_prefix, $config_version_name; if($is_loged_in == TRUE){ $skin_footer = preg_replace("/{menu}/", "$skin_menu", "$skin_footer"); } else { $skin_footer = preg_replace("/{menu}/", " $config_version_name", "$skin_footer"); } $skin_footer = get_skin($skin_footer); $skin_footer = preg_replace("/{image-name}/", "${skin_prefix}${image}", $skin_footer); $skin_footer = preg_replace("/{header-text}/", $header_text, $skin_footer); $skin_footer = preg_replace("/{content-type}/", $lang_content_type, $skin_footer); // Do not remove the Copyrights! $skin_footer = preg_replace("/{copyrights}/", "<div style='font-size: 9px'>Powered by <a style='font-size: 9px' href=\"\" target=_blank>$config_version_name</a> © 2005 <a style='font-size: 9px' href=\"\" target=_blank>CutePHP</a>.</div>", $skin_footer); echo $skin_footer; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: b64dck // Description: And the duck fly away. function b64dck(){ $cr = bd_config('e2NvcHlyaWdodHN9');$shder = bd_config('c2tpbl9oZWFkZXI=');$sfter = bd_config('c2tpbl9mb290ZXI='); global $$shder,$$sfter; $HDpnlty = bd_config('PGNlbnRlcj48aDE+Q3V0ZU5ld3M8L2gxPjxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly9jdXRlcGhwLmNvbSI+Q3V0ZVBIUC5jb208L2E+PC9jZW50ZXI+PGJyPg=='); $FTpnlty = bd_config('PGNlbnRlcj48ZGl2IGRpc3BsYXk9aW5saW5lIHN0eWxlPVwnZm9udC1zaXplOiAxMXB4XCc+UG93ZXJlZCBieSA8YSBzdHlsZT1cJ2ZvbnQtc2l6ZTogMTFweFwnIGhyZWY9XCJodHRwOi8vY3V0ZXBocC5jb20vY3V0ZW5ld3MvXCIgdGFyZ2V0PV9ibGFuaz5DdXRlTmV3czwvYT4gqSAyMDA1ICA8YSBzdHlsZT1cJ2ZvbnQtc2l6ZTogMTFweFwnIGhyZWY9XCJodHRwOi8vY3V0ZXBocC5jb20vXCIgdGFyZ2V0PV9ibGFuaz5DdXRlUEhQPC9hPi48L2Rpdj48L2NlbnRlcj4='); if(!stristr($$shder,$cr) and !stristr($$sfter,$cr)){ $$shder = $HDpnlty.$$shder; $$sfter = $$sfter.$FTpnlty; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: CountComments // Description: Count How Many Comments Have a Specific Article function CountComments($id, $archive = FALSE){ global $cutepath; if($cutepath == ""){ $cutepath = "."; } $result = "0"; if($archive and ($archive != "postponed" and $archive != "unapproved")){ $all_comments = file("$cutepath/data/archives/${archive}.comments.arch"); } else{ $all_comments = file("$cutepath/data/comments.txt"); } foreach($all_comments as $comment_line) { $comment_arr_1 = explode("|>|", $comment_line); if($comment_arr_1[0] == $id) { $comment_arr_2 = explode("||", $comment_arr_1[1]); $result = count($comment_arr_2)-1; } } return $result; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: insertSmilies // Description: insert smilies for adding into news/comments function insertSmilies($insert_location, $break_location = FALSE, $admincp = FALSE, $wysiwyg = FALSE) { global $config_http_script_dir, $config_smilies; $smilies = explode(",", $config_smilies); foreach($smilies as $smile) { $i++; $smile = trim($smile); if($admincp){ if($wysiwyg){ // $advanced_smile = "<img alt=\':$smile:\' src=\'data/emoticons/$smile.gif\' />"; // $output .= "<a href=# onclick=\"javascript:InsertIntoArea('$insert_location','$advanced_smile'); return false;\"><img style=\"border: none;\" alt=\"$smile\" src=\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\" /></a>"; $output .= "<a href=# onclick=\"document.getElementById('$insert_location').contentWindow.document.execCommand('InsertImage', false, '$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif'); return false;\"><img style=\"border: none;\" alt=\"$smile\" src=\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\" /></a>"; } else{ $output .= "<a href=# onclick=\"javascript:document.getElementById('$insert_location').value += ' :$smile:'; return false;\"><img style=\"border: none;\" alt=\"$smile\" src=\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\" /></a>"; } }else{ $output .= "<a href=\"javascript:insertext(':$smile:','$insert_location')\"><img style=\"border: none;\" alt=\"$smile\" src=\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\" /></a>"; } if($i%$break_location == 0 and $break_location) { $output .= "<br />"; }else{ $output .= " "; } } return $output; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: replace_comments // Description: Replaces comments charactars function replace_comment($way, $sourse){ global $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS, $config_allow_html_in_news, $config_allow_html_in_comments, $config_http_script_dir, $config_smilies; $sourse = stripslashes(trim($sourse)); if($way == "add"){ $find = array( "'\"'", "'\''", "'<'", "'>'", "'\|'", "'\n'", "'\r'", ); $replace = array( """, "'", "<", ">", "|", " <br />", "", ); } elseif($way == "show"){ $find = array( "'\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]'i", "'\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]'i", "'\[u\](.*?)\[/u\]'i", "'\[link\](.*?)\[/link\]'i", "'\[link=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/link\]'i", "'\[quote=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/quote\]'", "'\[quote\](.*?)\[/quote\]'", ); $replace = array( "<strong>\\1</strong>", "<em>\\1</em>", "<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">\\1</span>", "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>", "<a href=\"\\1\">\\2</a>", "<blockquote><div style=\"font-size: 13px;\">quote (\\1):</div><hr style=\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\" /><div>\\2</div><hr style=\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\" /></blockquote>", "<blockquote><div style=\"font-size: 13px;\">quote:</div><hr style=\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\" /><div>\\1</div><hr style=\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\" /></blockquote>", ); $smilies_arr = explode(",", $config_smilies); foreach($smilies_arr as $smile){ $smile = trim($smile); $find[] = "':$smile:'"; $replace[] = "<img style=\"border: none;\" alt=\"$smile\" src=\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\" />"; } } $sourse = preg_replace($find,$replace,$sourse); foreach ( $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS as $key=>$value ){ $sourse = str_replace($key,$value,$sourse); } return $sourse; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: rteSafe // Description: safe data for the RTE function rteSafe($strText) { //returns safe code for preloading in the RTE $tmpString = $strText; //convert all types of single quotes $tmpString = str_replace(chr(145), chr(39), $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace(chr(146), chr(39), $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace("'", "'", $tmpString); //convert all types of double quotes $tmpString = str_replace(chr(147), chr(34), $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace(chr(148), chr(34), $tmpString); // $tmpString = str_replace("\"", """, $tmpString); // we are pasting the content within '' quotes so " are valid //replace carriage returns & line feeds $tmpString = str_replace(chr(10), " ", $tmpString); $tmpString = str_replace(chr(13), " ", $tmpString); return $tmpString; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: get_skin // Description: Hello skin! function get_skin($skin){ if(!file_exists('./data/reg.php')){ $stts = base64_decode('KHVucmVnaXN0ZXJlZCk='); } else{ include('./data/reg.php'); if(preg_match('/\\A(\\w{6})-\\w{6}-\\w{6}\\z/', $reg_site_key, $mmbrid)){ if(!isset($reg_display_name) or !$reg_display_name or $reg_display_name == ''){ $stts = "<!-- (-$mmbrid[1]-) -->"; }else{ $stts = "<label title='(-$mmbrid[1]-)'>". base64_decode('TGljZW5zZWQgdG86IA==').$reg_display_name.'</label>'; } } else{ $stts = '!'.base64_decode('KHVucmVnaXN0ZXJlZCk=').'!'; } } $msn = bd_config('c2tpbg=='); $cr = bd_config('e2NvcHlyaWdodHN9'); $lct = bd_config('PGRpdiBzdHlsZT0nZm9udC1zaXplOiA5cHgnPlBvd2VyZWQgYnkgPGEgc3R5bGU9J2ZvbnQtc2l6ZTogOXB4JyBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vY3V0ZXBocC5jb20vY3V0ZW5ld3MvIiB0YXJnZXQ9Il9ibGFuayI+Q3V0ZU5ld3MgMS40LjU8L2E+ICCpIDIwMDYgIDxhIHN0eWxlPSdmb250LXNpemU6IDlweCcgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2N1dGVwaHAuY29tLyIgdGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiPkN1dGVQSFA8L2E+Ljxicj57bC1zdGF0dXN9PC9kaXY+'); $lct = preg_replace("/{l-status}/", $stts, $lct); $$msn = preg_replace("/$cr/", $lct, $$msn); return $$msn; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: replace_news // Description: Replaces news charactars function replace_news($way, $sourse, $replce_n_to_br=TRUE, $use_html=TRUE){ global $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS, $config_allow_html_in_news, $config_allow_html_in_comments, $config_http_script_dir, $config_smilies; $sourse = stripslashes($sourse); if($way == "show") { $find= array( /* 1 */ "'\[upimage=([^\]]*?) ([^\]]*?)\]'i", /* 2 */ "'\[upimage=(.*?)\]'i", /* 3 */ "'\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]'i", /* 4 */ "'\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]'i", /* 5 */ "'\[u\](.*?)\[/u\]'i", /* 6 */ "'\[link\](.*?)\[/link\]'i", /* 7 */ "'\[color=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/color\]'i", /* 8 */ "'\[size=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/size\]'i", /* 9 */ "'\[font=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/font\]'i", /* 10 */ "'\[align=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/align\]'i", /* 12 */ "'\[image=(.*?)\]'i", /* 13 */ "'\[link=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/link\]'i", /* 14 */ "'\[quote=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/quote\]'i", /* 15 */ "'\[quote\](.*?)\[/quote\]'i", /* 16 */ "'\[list\]'i", /* 17 */ "'\[/list\]'i", /* 18 */ "'\[\*\]'i", "'{nl}'", ); $replace=array( /* 1 */ "<img \\2 src=\"${config_http_script_dir}/skins/images/upskins/images/\\1\" style=\"border: none;\" alt=\"\" />", /* 2 */ "<img src=\"${config_http_script_dir}/skins/images/upskins/images/\\1\" style=\"border: none;\" alt=\"\" />", /* 3 */ "<strong>\\1</strong>", /* 4 */ "<em>\\1</em>", /* 5 */ "<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">\\1</span>", /* 6 */ "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>", /* 7 */ "<span style=\"color: \\1;\">\\2</span>", /* 8 */ "<span style=\"font-size: \\1pt;\">\\2</span>", /* 9 */ "<span style=\"font-family: \\1;\">\\2</span>", /* 10 */ "<div style=\"text-align: \\1;\">\\2</div>", /* 12 */ "<img src=\"\\1\" style=\"border: none;\" alt=\"\" />", /* 13 */ "<a href=\"\\1\">\\2</a>", /* 14 */ "<blockquote><div style=\"font-size: 13px;\">quote (\\1):</div><hr style=\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\" /><div>\\2</div><hr style=\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\" /></blockquote>", /* 15 */ "<blockquote><div style=\"font-size: 13px;\">quote:</div><hr style=\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\" /><div>\\1</div><hr style=\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\" /></blockquote>", /* 16 */ "<ul>", /* 17 */ "</ul>", /* 18 */ "<li>", "\n", ); $smilies_arr = explode(",", $config_smilies); foreach($smilies_arr as $smile){ $smile = trim($smile); $find[] = "':$smile:'"; $replace[] = "<img style=\"border: none;\" alt=\"$smile\" src=\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\" />"; } } elseif($way == "add"){ $find = array( "'\|'", "'\r'", ); $replace = array( "|", "", ); if($use_html != TRUE){ $find[] = "'<'"; $find[] = "'>'"; $replace[] = "<"; $replace[] = ">"; } if($replce_n_to_br == TRUE){ $find[] = "'\n'"; $replace[] = "<br />"; }else{ $find[] = "'\n'"; $replace[] = "{nl}"; } } elseif($way == "admin"){ $find = array( "''", "'{nl}'", ); $replace = array( "", "\n", ); //this is for 'edit news' section when we use WYSIWYG if(!$replce_n_to_br){$find[] = "'<br />'"; } if(!$replce_n_to_br){$replace[] = "\n"; } } $sourse = preg_replace($find,$replace,$sourse); foreach ( $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS as $key=>$value ){ $sourse = str_replace($key,$value,$sourse); } return $sourse; } function bd_config($str){ return base64_decode($str); } ?>
Die ganze Seite, weil ich nicht weiß, wie man zählt! Diesen Code habe ich wiegesagt nicht selber geschrieben, sondern von einem Newssystem!
Beitrag geaendert: 29.4.2007 13:15:26 von christophkiss
Beitrag geaendert: 30.4.2007 16:08:42 von christophkiss -
Die ganze Seite, weil ich nicht weiß, wie man zählt! [...]
hm... vllt 1, 2, 3 .... 100, 101, 102 .... 468, 469, 470 ...?
wenn du nen einigermaßen vernünftigen php editor nutzt, kannst du dir, insofern es noch nicht so ist, die zeilen anzeigen lassen.
nutzt du den windoof editor, kannst du dort, durch "gehe zu" zu einer bestimmten zeile springen... (weis nich, ob du dafür den zeilenumbruch ausmachen musst)
aber so auf die schnelle find ich da auch nix... sieht für mich zwar manches komisch aus, aber wenn du das aus nem news script hast... -
Oh Mann dafür gibt es auf der rechten Seite PHP-Code, dann ists auch Nummerriert!
<?php function insertSmilies($insert_location, $break_location = FALSE, $admincp = FALSE, $wysiwyg = FALSE) { global $config_http_script_dir, $config_smilies; $smilies = explode(',', $config_smilies); foreach($smilies as $smile) { $i++; $smile = trim($smile); if($admincp){ if($wysiwyg){ // $advanced_smile = '<img alt=\':$smile:\' src=\'data/emoticons/$smile.gif\' />'; // $output .= '<a href=# onclick=\'javascript:InsertIntoArea('$insert_location','$advanced_smile'); return false;\'><img style=\'border: none;\' alt=\'$smile\' src=\'$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\' /></a>'; $output .= '<a href=# onclick=\'document.getElementById('$insert_location').contentWindow.document.execCommand('InsertImage', false, '$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif'); return false;\'><img style=\'border: none;\' alt=\'$smile\' src=\'$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\' /></a>'; } else{ $output .= '<a href=# onclick=\'javascript:document.getElementById('$insert_location').value += ' :$smile:'; return false;\'><img style=\'border: none;\' alt=\'$smile\' src=\'$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\' /></a>'; } }else{ $output .= '<a href=\'javascript:insertext(':$smile:','$insert_location')\'><img style=\'border: none;\' alt=\'$smile\' src=\'$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\' /></a>'; } if($i%$break_location == 0 and $break_location) ##### 469 ##### { $output .= '<br />'; }else{ $output .= ' '; } } return $output; } ?>
Die Zeile 469 habe ich hier gekennzeichnet.
Es wird hier der Modulo ermittelt. Da $break_location in der ersten Zeile dieser Funktion als FALSe gekennzeichnet wurde, demnach also NULL ist, findet eine Division durch NULL statt.
Wenn das hier dein komplettes Script ist, kannst du die Funktion auch einfach rausnehmen, sie wird nämlich in o.g. Code nicht weiter aufgerufen. Sollte das allerdings ein "Funktionsverzeichnis", also eine Functions-Include sein, dann schaue, wo im gesamten Projekt diese Funktion gebraucht und was ihr übergeben wird.
PS. Bitte umgib den obigen Code mit den BBCodes für die Codeeingabe! -
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