kostenloser Webspace werbefrei: lima-city

PHPhotoalbum-0.5 Problem, wer kann helfen?

lima-cityForumProgrammiersprachenPHP, MySQL & .htaccess

  1. Autor dieses Themas


    aurel hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    Wer kennt sich damit aus?

    $config['webdir'] = /PHPhotoalbum-0.5/
    $config['albumdir'] = /PHPhotoalbum-0.5/albums/
    $config['fullpath'] = /home/webpages/lima-city/aurel/html/PHPhotoalbum-0.5/

    Wenn ich den Pfad hier eintrage bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung:

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected '/' in /home/webpages/lima-city/aurel/html/PHPhotoalbum-0.5/config.inc.php on line 33

    Was ist hier falsch?

    * PHPhotoalbum v0.5
    * by: Henning St?verud
    * e-mail: henning@stoverud.com
    * URL: http://www.stoverud.com/PHPhotoalbum/

    // Galleryname
    $config['galleryname'] = "My Photoalbum";

    $config['admin_username'] = "admin"; // Username for adminpages
    $config['admin_password'] = "admin"; // Change this password!!!

    $config['dbserver'] = "localhost"; // Your databaseserver
    $config['dbuser'] = "mysqlusr"; // Your mysql username
    $config['dbpass'] = "mysqlpasswd"; // Your mysql password
    $config['dbname'] = "PHPhotoalbum"; // Your mysql databasename

    $config['TABLE_PICTURES'] = "album_pictures"; // Tablename for pictures
    $config['TABLE_ALBUMS'] = "album_albums"; // Tablename for albums
    $config['TABLE_COMMENTS'] = "album_comments"; // Tablename for comments

    // If you don't know what values to use, open the file installation.php in your
    // webbrowser. It will give you a suggestion on what to write.
    $config['webdir'] = "/PHPhotoalbum/"; // Full web path to dir with the php files
    $config['albumdir'] = "/PHPhotoalbum/albums/"; // Full web path to album dir on webserver
    $config['fullpath'] = "/home/user/PHPhotoalbum/albums/"; // Full Unix/Windows path to albumdir

    $config['thumb_method'] = "im"; // Use ImageMagick for thumbnail creation (Best quality)
    //$config['thumb_method'] = "gd2"; // GD >= 2.0.1. True color!
    //$config['thumb_method'] = "gd1"; // GD 1.x

    $config['imagemagick_path'] = "/usr/bin/"; // Directory where the command "convert" is located
    $config['picture_quality'] = 80; // Picture quality in %. 100% is best quality.
    $config['filetypes'] = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp"); // Allowed filetypes

    $config['thumbrows'] = "3"; // Number of rows on thumbnailpage (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
    $config['thumbcols'] = "4"; // Number of cols on thumbnailpage
    $config['thumb_width'] = "90";
    $config['picture_width'] = "400";

    $config['number_in_toplist'] = "100"; // Number of entries to show on the statistics page

    // LAYOUT
    $config['color_main'] = "#FFe7c6";
    $config['color_nav'] = "#a2cafb";
    $config['color_form'] = "#a2cafb";
    $config['color_form_heading'] = "#cbcbcb";
    $config['color_comment_heading'] = "#fed9c2";
    $config['color_comment_body'] = "#fff5e1";

    $config['ver'] = "0.5"; // PHPhotoalbum version
  2. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

  3. **

    ich glaub diss liegt da dran, dass alle pf?de die vor pfadnamen ein / haben im verzeichnis der domain liegen, da diss aber blo? subdomain is gehts nich! versuchs ma vorne ohne /!
  4. versuchs ma so

    $config['webdir'] = "/PHPhotoalbum-0.5/";
    $config['albumdir'] = "/PHPhotoalbum-0.5/albums/";
    $config['fullpath'] = "/home/webpages/lima-city/aurel/html/PHPhotoalbum-0.5/";

    denn ohne " und "; gehts nich :wave:
  5. Autor dieses Themas


    aurel hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    Danke Lucas!!!

    Das wars ";"

    Nun mu? ich aber noch MYSQL installieren, denn das braucht das Programm.
    Da werde ich bestimmt noch mal fragen m?ssen :scared:
  6. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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