Wireless USB Adapter unter Linux installieren!
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Hallo zusammen,
bin seit gestern auf einem alten PC auf Lubuntu 11.04 umgestiegen. Der hat kein Wlan Adapter onboard. Dafür habe ich mir den Logilink Wl0084A geholt. Nun weiß ich aber nicht wie ich die Treiber unter Linux installieren kann. Wenn jemand Ahnung davon hat oder sowas schon mal gemacht hat, würde ich mich über einen Tipp freuen. -
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lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage
ich habs probiert nur wird es mit einer fehlermeldung quittiert, dass das Paket nicht vorhanden ist. Ich habe die Treiber für Linux auf der mitgelieferten cd, doch weiß ich nicht wie ich sie installieren soll.
Jetzt fragt sich nur welche Dateiendung diese haben, ob sie normal wie bei Windows über eine ausführbare Datei eingebunden werden oder du sie selbst einbinden musst. Schaue mal nach einer README-Datei, auf deiner Treiber-CD, denn dort müsste eigentlich dokumentiert sein was du zu tun hast.
Die ersten angaben verstehe ich nicht. Was soll ich da genau machen? Irgendwie stehe ich auf dem Schlauch. Hab so was halt noch nie gemacht!
Software Package - Component
1. ReleaseNotes.doc
2. document/
3. driver source code
3.1 Makefile - to build the modules
3.2 Script and configuration for DHCP:
3.3 Example of supplicant configuration file:
3.4 Script to run wpa_supplicant
3.5 Script to clean relative modules
4. wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-0.6.9_wps_patch_20100201.zip
The tool help the wlan network to communicate under the
protection of WPAPSK mechanism (WPA/WPA2) and add WPS patch
User Guide(1) - connecting wireless networking using "Network Manager" GUI utility (For PC Linux)
(1) Network Manager is a utility attempts to make use of wireless networking easy.
(2) Notes: if you want to use the following command-line method to connect wireless networking,
please disable the "Network Manager", because "Network Manager" will conflict with method of command line .
User Guide(2) - Using the wpa_cli & wpa_supplicant tools (For embedded Linux)
Please refer to the document/wpa_cli_with_wpa_supplicant_20091227.doc
User Guide(3) - Set wireless lan MIBs in Command Line (Legacy command - Not recommend)
This driver uses Wireless Extension as an interface allowing you to set
Wireless LAN specific parameters.
Current driver supports "iwlist" to show the device status of nic
iwlist wlan0 [parameters]
parameter explaination [parameters]
----------------------- -------------
Show available chan and freq freq / channel
Show and Scan BSS and IBSS scan[ning]
Show supported bit-rate rate / bit[rate]
For example:
iwlist wlan0 channel
iwlist wlan0 scan
iwlist wlan0 rate
Driver also supports "iwconfig", manipulate driver private ioctls, to set
iwconfig wlan0 [parameters] [val]
parameter explaination [parameters] [val] constraints
----------------------- ------------- ------------------
Connect to AP by address ap [mac_addr]
Set the essid, join (I)BSS essid [essid]
Set operation mode mode {Managed|Ad-hoc}
Set keys and security mode key/enc[ryption] {N|open|restricted|off}
For example:
iwconfig wlan0 essid "ap_name"
iwconfig wlan0 ap XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
iwconfig wlan0 mode Ad-hoc
iwconfig wlan0 essid "name" mode Ad-hoc
iwconfig wlan0 key 0123456789 [2] open
iwconfig wlan0 key off
iwconfig wlan0 key restricted [3] 0123456789
Note: Better to set these MIBS without GUI such as NetworkManager and be sure that our
nic has been brought up before these settings. WEP key index 2-4 is not supportted by
Getting IP address (For User Guide(2) & User Guide(3))
After start up the nic and connect to AP successfully, the network needs to obtain an IP address
before transmit/receive data.
This can be done by setting the static IP via "ifconfig wlan0 IP_ADDRESS"
command, or using DHCP.
If using DHCP, setting steps is as below:
(1)check if the WiFi had connected to an AP via "iwconfig" command
$> iwconfig
(2)run the script which run the dhclient
$> ./wlan0dhcp
dhcpcd wlan0
(Some network admins require that you use the
hostname and domainname provided by the DHCP server.
In that case, use
dhcpcd -HD wlan0)
WPAPSK/WPA2PSK - using wpa_supplicant (For User Guide(3))
Wpa_supplicant helps to secure wireless connection with the protection of
WPAPSK/WPA2PSK mechanism. Please refer to the document/wpa_cli_with_wpa_supplicant_20091227.doc
WPS - PIN & PBC methods
(*) Please refer to the document/wpa_cli_with_wpa_supplicant_20091227.doc
Power Saving Mode
(1) in order to enter PS Mode, you need to add the parameter of "power_mgnt=1" when executing "insmod 8192cu.ko" :
$>insmod 8192cu.ko power_mgnt=1
$>insmod 8192cu.ko power_mgnt=2
(2) Notes:
power_mgnt=0 ;//default, disable PS
power_mgnt=1 ;//enable PS, MIN_PS Mode
power_mgnt=2 ;//enable PS, MAX_PS Mode
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